La Sagrada Familia

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When visiting Spain, I saw many buildings that stood out to me and made me realize the true beauty that can be architecture. On my first day in Barcelona, I was exhausted and it was a blur. I truly just wanted to be in bed, sleeping off my jetlag; but of course, my mother drug me out to explore the city.

I was brought out of the funk I was in when I got to the heart of Barcelona and saw La Sagrada Familia- one of the buildings that Gaudì helped to design. This building was unlike anything I had ever seen. Being more than one hundred years old, and still not complete, it had more detail than any building I had ever seen in The United States.

La Sagrada Familia is a building that attracts people from all over the world. When visiting Barcelona, I only was able to see this piece of architecture from the outside; the lines for a glimpse of the inside were hours long. Though I was just able to view this building from the outside, it had clear gothic architecture styles present.

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