Le Corbusier 2

Cabanon de Vacances is a vacation home that Le Corbusier built for himself in France in 1951. The cabin was made a world heritage site in 2016. The cabin was built using the Modulor system which was invented by Le and builds using a human scale. This cabin is said to be a simplified version of Le’s views on architecture. Cabanon de Vacances is one of Le’s only projects that is done entirely in wood. The cabin also gave Le direct access to a bar next door, where he knew the owner. Windows in the cabin give you a view of the southwest and east bay from all around the building. The cabin has been described as a cube that revolved around the furniture. There is also little furniture except beds and dressers. The cabin looks like what I would typically think of when I imagine a cabin. It kind of looks like lincoln logs. I don’t love or hate this building, I am surprised at how small it is. I would think that Le would want a bigger vacation home, but then again he’s said that he had an estate and that was for his wife.

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