Lefrak Center

Designed by Tod&Billie Tsein
The Lefrak Center is an incredible work by Tod and Billie. The Lefrak center is a pavilion lakeside in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park. The pavilion was design for skating, boating, classes, and other events. The Lefrak Center is an amazing work by Tod and Billie. They wanted to emphasize the importance of the park, so they focused on the continuity of the park with the pavilion. When you approach the center, you can barely see the pavilion over the hill that leads up to it. But when looking at it from the lakeside, the whole building is visible. This shows that the park was the focal point of the pavilion. They used negative space created by mounds of dirt. When walking through the pathways, you think the walls are the building but in reality, the ground is slowly descending deeper. Because the Pavilion is highly used for ice skating in the winter, on the bottom of the roof, there are carvings that mimic the work of a skater. Many ice skaters were judges based off of the designs that were created by the carving of the skates into the ice during their performance. Tod and Billie wanted to mimic this idea, so the bottom side of the roof was painted to mimic this idea. The roof is mirroring the skaters. The idea behind the design is brought to light by the interiority.
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