Life in the Plaza Hotel

After watching “Eloise at the Plaza” as a young child, I dreamed of walking through the Plaza Hotel in New York City. When I finally pushed through the elegant revolving doors at age 13, my expectations were far exceeded.

Designed by Henry Janeway Hardenbergh, the Plaza Hotel is a French Renaissance chateau-style building that was opened in 1907. Covered in white brick and copper accents, this building stands proudly at 18-stories tall. It is said that this hotel brought a sophisticated air to Fifth Avenue. In fact, the hotel achieved National Historic Landmark status in 1988. Originally costing around $12 million, the property has surely appreciated in value. Although inflation has occurred over the years, the most recent sale of The Plaza was to the El Ad Group for $675 million!

Not only was The Plaza Hotel the backdrop of “Eloise at the Plaza”, but it has also made an appearance on hit TV show “Sex and the City” and “The Sopranos.” Many famous guests have made themselves comfortable here, such as the Beatles and Donald Trump.

Notice the ornate marble pillars, gold accents, and astonishing chandelier.

The elegance of The Plaza extends to every detail of its interior. After walking up the red carpet stairs and pushing through the revolving doors, you come upon the lobby. Colored with gold and red accents, the lobby makes a statement with ornate archways, pillars, and marble floors. These details give the hotel a lavish feel while maintaining tastefulness.

The Plaza Hotel left such a strong impression on me because of its grandiose, timeless design. My eye is typically drawn to buildings that are neutral in color and modern in style. The Plaza Hotel, however, made me appreciate the elegance of French Renaissance design. The marble staircases, larger-than-life chandeliers, and vaulted ceilings transported me to another world – much like “Eloise at the Plaza!”

See more photos of The Plaza here!

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