Mercedes Benz Superdome, New Orleans, LA

Another one of my least favorite buildings is the Mercedes Benz Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana. Much like the Physical Sciences Center at OU, this building has the appearance of a military fortress. To me, there is nothing special about the look of this structure, with the metal siding extending all the way around the circumference creating a very dark, almost arguably depressing look. This structure is used for sports events, but has also been known to house people who are stranded in New Orleans during a hurricane or other natural disaster with nowhere else safe to go. Although this building is not visually pleasing, its use in the city of New Orleans is without a doubt a positive. When I first saw this building, I could not believe how large it was. It covered a massive area, and makes it even more disappointing to me that the designers of the stadium could not have chosen a more aesthetically pleasing look, though I’m sure money had something to do with that. 

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