Midland High School

Midland High School was the high school I attended in my hometown. This building had both positive and negative effects on me. The negative being the design of the building. The positive being the memories I have from my experiences at Midland High.

This building has had such a strong influence on me. From a young age I looked forward to finally getting to attend high school. I was in love with the idea of being a high schooler and all of the fun things that came with it. For example, getting my drivers license, playing sports, and growing up in general. Therefore as a little girl I always associated Midland High School with excitement about the future.

When I finally attended Midland High my attitude about the building slightly shifted. The building looked very different from the inside than the magical places I had in my head as a child. Hallways were dark and narrow, rooms had very few windows, and many of the spaces needed major updates (it was founded in 1926 and it still looked like it in most places). The lighting could give anyone a headache and each hallway had a different color of lockers. This made spending 8 hours in school not the most joyful learning experience. The narrow hallways cause congestion in-between classes and kids often got hit by classroom doors opening due to having such little space. Although the building itself was not the most ideal learning environment, I still associate Midland High with some of my favorite memories. Some of my favorite memories include meeting my best friends, playing sports, and attending football games. Overall I think if the building were designed more thoughtfully my high school learning experience could have been far more enriching but I am still very grateful for the memories I made.

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