Mies van der Rohe – The Barcelona Pavilion

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Personally, I’m not much of a fan of Mies van der Rohe’s work. A lot of it looks too plain and cold for my liking. The Barcelona Pavilion has a lot of cool elements, but overall, I’m not much of a fan. The house is definitely a masterpiece, but it just doesn’t appeal to me. The outside of the house looks really cool. It has a lot of marble walls, similar to the Villa Tugendhat, that contrast really works well with the white ceilings. Furthermore, there is a lot of window space, which I like. Finally, I like the pool of water outside of the house. It adds a nice, sophisticated touch to the home. Besides that, I don’t really care for the house. It looks too plain and boring and not like a home. It feels like a place where a bunch of rich people have mid-life crises, instead of a place to relax at the end of a day. The home just feels so empty and lonely. It feels depressing. Yea, it’d be cool to stay in it for a couple of days because it’s something new, and I like new experiences, but I wouldn’t buy it or design anything like it. There are many ways to make a home look inviting and friendly without keeping to traditional styles, but I don’t like this. I also feel like this home doesn’t really fit into Mies van der Rohe’s theme of connecting individuals with nature very well. The tall walls make the place feel cut off and isolated, kind of like a very fancy prison. I will say though that I do also like how the house is a light color. I think I would dislike the home even more if the walls and ceilings were dark. Overall though, the home is really not my cup of tea. I wouldn’t want to live there because it looks like a really uptight office. It doesn’t feel like a home and, therefore, it’s a pass for me.

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