My Childhood Home – Flower Mound Texas

I spent the years from fifth grade until twelfth grade living in this house. It was where I could find shelter, safety, and security. I always had a roof over my head, and a bed to sleep in. It was a place where I could relax after school but it was also a place where I received lectures and harsh words. Being raised in this house made me who I am today and without it, I may not even be at the University of Oklahoma right now. I made a majority of my life decisions in these walls and I couldn’t have asked for a bigger support group than the people who shared those walls with me.

I learned that I loved to run cross country and track while living in this house. I learned how to back out of the garage and down the driveway in this house. I learned where I got accepted to go to school in this house. I made lifelong friends and experienced breakups in this house. I put work into remodeling this house. I shed blood, sweat, and tears in this house. Now that my parents have sold it and moved away, I feel like a piece of me will always remain in that house. I’ll never go back inside it again. I spent half of my life in this house, it’s the only house that I ever truly loved.

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