
5 Emblematic Buildings by Giuseppe Terragni,© José Tomás Franco
© José Tomás Franco

Novocomum, one of the most popular buildings in Como, Italy, was built designed by Giuseppe Terragni. The apartment building was built from 1928-1929, and was given its name by Novocomum of Olgiate Comasco, the real estate company. The apartment building consists of a quadrangular lot and two short sides. The building’s foundation is made of reinforced concrete pillars, and it is built in the form of an inverted “C” leading to the street. The building’s main entrance is at the center of the front of the building and is 63.50 meters long, with the entire building being symmetrical. The building consists of five above ground floors, and eight apartments on each floor. The building also has a flat roof that is used as a terrace. The building was supposed to be traditional with a classical facade, but during construction the building an avant-garde building. Giuseppe’s work was initially considered for demolition, but quickly rose as an icon in Italian architecture.

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