Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics Residence Hall

This is the most important building from the second half of my high school career. OSSM is essentially a boarding school, and this was the first major building I encountered as an incoming student, the dorms. There are four wings with three floors each (two wings per gender) and each floor developed its own micro community. It represents one of the most grueling and fun times of my life for me. Since we were essentially trapped on campus all week, we would spend most of our time either doing schoolwork or messing around in the residence hall. I’ve meet some of my best friends here and bonded over the struggles of the rigorous workload at OSSM. Although it might have been considered a prison at the time, due to the strict conditions and literal bars on the windows, upon reflection it was one of the most fun time of my life all due to the communities that formed in the building. It might have sucked at the time, but now I only think of it fondly. Who knows, that might just be Stockholm Syndrome.

Image: Taken from the OSSM website (OSSM.edu)

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