O’Neil Ford

O’Neil Ford is considered the Texan godfather to modern architecture. This is a house of his in a well off neighborhood, Turtle Creek Park. It is very striking to me the different styles and attributes of this house that he has showcased in the architecture. The interior is also lovely, very modern but homey with it’s white wooden window frames and baseboards.

He is also exceptionally well know for his design of key components of Trinity University, but until recently some of his drafting was lost. I cover more of his work on the Trinity University campus later, but looking at the images and skills portrayed on the drafts is really amazing.

Featured Image: https://sanantonioreport.org/lost-oneil-ford-drawings-trinity-university/

Source and Other Images: https://dougnewby.com/home/3514-rock-creek-drive-dallas-texas/

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