Perot Museum of Natural History

About the Perot Museum | Perot Museum of Nature and Science
Perot Museum of Natural History

The Perot Museum of Natural History was built in 2006 and has been a significant tourist attraction for people of all ages ever since. The Architecture of this building makes it stand out from the surrounding buildings. The two most noticeable are the escalator that protrudes from the building’s second and third floor and the miniature elevated park.

The first and only time I’ve ever been in and even seen this building was back in elementary school for a field trip. Pulling up to the building was an incredible experience because it looked nothing like any of the other buildings I’ve ever seen. The way it created its own scene with its elevated park and the protrusions were enchanting to me at that age. Once inside, I remember walking straight to the escalator and hanging outside the building, and looking all around as I went up. At the top of the escalator, I looked into the museum and could see every floor from top to bottom.

This building has left such a positive experience on me because I love creativity and innovation. Seeing and experiencing the same thing, again and again, gets boring, so experiences or buildings like the Perot Natural History Museum spark my imagination. I love to create and draw, and seeing buildings like that in my childhood helped inspire me and push me down a path of creativity that I hope never to veer from.


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