Physical Sciences Center

The University of Oklahoma’s Physical Sciences Center is located on the edge of campus at 601 Elm Ave. The Physical Sciences Center contains mostly general education classes along with a variety of math and science courses. This building is made entirely of concrete reaching twelve stories tall, with no windows on the lower half of the structure. Due to the strange architecture of the building, it has been nicknamed ‘The Blender’.

This building elicits many feelings for me, both good and bad. At the beginning of my college experience, it was where many of my classes were held. That being the case, this building has a nostalgic feeling when I do enter it. On the other hand, I absolutely hate this building; the layout is weird, there are no windows, and it usually smells like a room full of 6th-grade students after recess.

Overall, I am fairly intrigued by the history of the Physical Sciences Center. My issues with the functionality of it does not take away from the fact that this building has an interesting story and holds generations of memories.

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