Price Tower

When I was in high school I did not have much interests in any arts but that changed when I went to visit the Price Tower in Bartlesville, OK. My mom is an interior designer and loves architecture so she brought me to the Price Tower for a tour one day. When you pull up the tower in the Plains of Oklahoma brings a sort of awe to the building, made of concrete and copper that has turned green it leaves a lasting impression. When you enter inside there is a large beautiful geometric mural made of copper and colored glass. This building was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright which brings another point of intrigue to the building, Wright is a famous architect so to have his work in Oklahoma is cool. The inside also have geometric irregularly rooms instead of traditional rectangular rooms which brings another unique factor to the building.

The big “skyscraper” in the middle of small town Oklahoma brings a sort of awe from the ground. Additionally, the building seems to bring “The Big City” to Oklahoma. To me the meaning of the building is representative of big businesses that one normally thinks of in NYC or Chicago and bring it to Oklahoma. Being from Oklahoma I have always had a sort of intrigue with the bustle and glamor of big cities. Being in the Price Tower brings these big city feelings to Oklahoma which is a very cool atmosphere. The Price Tower was the first time I found interest in architecture and saw how architecture can affect mood and evoke feelings. The building transported me to a different place and time and brought a feeling of awe while I took in the buildings atmosphere and architecture. The Price Tower helped me realize that architecture is important to everyday life and actually can have a profound impact on how we feel.

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