Saint Benedict Chapel, Peter Zumthor

My favorite work by Peter Zumthor is the Saint Benedict Chapel in Sumvitg Switzerland, which was built in 1988. This chapel looks like a Viking longhouse. The building is made from wood. It’s a very thin building and the interior is pretty small. The building is built into the side of a hill along in the Swiss Alps. There is nothing fancy about this chapel, it’s quaint yet elegant. At first glance, the outside walls look like they’re made out of bricks but it’s actually shingles. This is apparently a traditional thing in some Swiss villages, so Zumthor did that to allow the building to fit in with its village. It’s not a grand cathedral, there’s only room for a few people inside. But that is fitting because it’s for a small village not a huge urban area. I just like the simplicity and elegance of this building quite a bit.

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