San huberto lodge

The second building that I want to talk about is called San Huberto Lodge in Patagonia, Argentina. This is the building that is the newest to me. I spent the winter of 2019 fishing out of this lodge in Patagonia. It was not only one of the coolest buildings I have stayed in, but it was also located in one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. This building only brings back some amazing memories because I was able to spend two weeks fishing with my dad in one of the most undisturbed places in the world. The building had 10 rooms on the bottom floor where all the guests from a few different countries stayed. At the end of the long hallway on the bottom floor was the dining hall where we ate all of our meals. The only room on the top floor was a big living area and a bar where all of the guests would hang out before dinner. The building itself is nothing crazy, but it brings back a lot of good memories of my time fishing with my dad in Argentina.

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