Space Needle

The Space Needle is very unique and easy to spot. It is located in Seattle Washington and serves as an observation deck that looks over the city of Seattle. It stands at over 605 feet tall, with a glass floor that allows you to look all the way to the ground below you. As a kid, in 2012, I got to go to Seattle and I got to go all the way to the top of the Space Needle. As I looked from the bottom up, I was in awe. I believed it at the time, to be the largest building that I had ever seen. I stood in awe as I stared up the 605 feet of material above me and was astonished. As we began our way to the top I was very excited, until we actually got to the top of the needle. Once we got to the top, I was terrified of the floor beneath me. I was too young to understand the design of the building and that I was safe, but the clear floor below me did not give me any assurances that I wouldn’t fall to the ground. When I think of this building, I don’t think of good memories, but of being terrified. This is something that I hate, because it is a gorgeous piece of architecture that I can appreciate, but can’t enjoy.

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