The Basilica of the National shrine of the immaculate conception, Washington D.c.

The Basilica in Washington D.C. is an architectural work I’ll never forget. The first time I got to visit this Roman Catholic Church, I was only 12 years old. At the time I thought it was pretty amazing because of it’s size and artwork. Now as an adult I can appreciate the architecture even more and realize it is a structure that has had a major influence on me. The Basilica was built in the 1920s and is the largest Roman Catholic Church in all of North America. Besides it’s one large sanctuary, the Basilica contains a total of 80 chapels. The mere size of the church is what first sticks out me to me. While walking around inside the church, I felt as though every corner I turned led to a new room or hallway which made the church seem even larger than it appeared from the outside. Besides the size, it was the artwork that was so amazing to see. From the outside the church is a very neutral stone except for the bright blue tiled covered dome that immediately catches your eye. Inside the church, everywhere you turn there are incredible bright colored mosaics and paintings covering the walls and ceilings.

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