The “Bizz”

While I was never a fan of libraries growing up, the OU Bizzell Memorial Library, or “Bizz” was the first library I found interest in. The first time I saw the library on my OU tour I was impressed, the exterior architecture caught my eye. Inside, the Great Reading Room with it’s huge windows giving natural light and the dark wood left a lasting impression on me. This room became on of my favorite places to study. I felt comfortable, more than I had at other universities. I knew that OU was the college I wanted to attend. Something about the architecture within the original parts of the OU library makes me feel more motivated to knock out assignments and study for exams. However, to me this building means more than just a place to study, it has been a central location for much of my life at the University. After being at OU for over 3 years the library has become a building with many memories, from meeting up with my friends to freaking out the night before an exam. The library is a place that will always stand out to me not just because I like the architecture but because it is a place where I experienced the ups and downs of college life.

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