The grand palace

In 2016, my family and I had the opportunity to travel to Thailand for two weeks. During this time, we were able to explore Bangkok with the help of an old neighbor who grew up in Thailand, and Phuket. This trip was a very positive experience, however this trip has grown in meaning over the last couple of years.

This was my family and I’s first experience in Asia, as well as our first experience in a culture that is very different from ours. The Grand Palace consists of royal and throne halls, as well as government offices, and the Temple of Emerald Buddha. The palace was built to serve as the residence of the King and the center of administration. During our tour, we learned about Buddhism, the hosting of royal ceremonies, and about the traditional Thai architecture. When I was there, I was fascinated by the detail in all of the buildings, because I had never seen it before but never took into account all of the meaning behind the buildings and statues in the palace.

Looking back on my experiences in Thailand, I am very grateful for this once in a lifetime opportunity. I have a much better understanding of the traditional Thai architecture, as well as Buddhism, and the symbolic meaning of the Grand Palace to Thailand and the Royal family. This building has left a lasting impact on me, and hopefully I have the opportunity to visit again after this class, to be able to apply things I have learned to develop a deeper understanding.

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