The Metlife Building – Walter Gropius

The Metlife Building was previously known as the Pan Am building and was built in 1963. It was sold to Metlife in 1981. It is one of the most recognized structures in New York City and actually featured in the Avengers and Catch Me If You Can. The Metlife Building was built for both office and commercial space and it was originally called the Panam Building because Pan Am owned and operated a majority of the floors of the building. I really think that Gropius was an excellent architect who could design almost any type of project. No scope of work was too difficult for him and he was able to execute every project strategically. He constructed a monument, a US embassy, and a commercial building. Now of course two of these projects are commercial use buildings, but they vary in their scope of work. I was extremely impressed by Gropius’ variety in his designs and I was continuously surprised when I was looking through the buildings that he designed throughout his life.

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