The Pantheon

Pantheon Elevation
http://Ranogajec, Dr. Paul A., and Dr. Paul A. Ranogajec. “The Pantheon (Rome).” Smarthistory,

My first encounter with the Pantheon was when I was about 11 years old. This building is not only overwhelming in size and scale but also in detail. I remember stepping inside the doors and being overcome with the precision of the dome ceiling. This building is important to me because it was not only one of the first buildings I toured when traveling to Europe but it ignited my love for design.

This building is recognizable by many for one of the most outstanding forms of ancient roman architecture. After being rebuilt again the first commission for this building was said to be Marcus Agrippa and the second to be emperor Hadrian. The most outstanding feature to this building in my opinion is at the highest point of the oculus, the dome, to be a hole that is open. This not only saves weight for the heaviest point of the domes ceiling but allows sunlight to transcend the interior of this well preserved around 128 A.D. building.

The purpose of this inspiring building was so to be a temple for the gods but its main use now is to be a museum to resemble its great history. Its purpose in my life is that it started my interest in exploring what it takes to make a building. The structure, the details, the interior and they way a space makes you feel. Looking back my experience at such a young age would but such a different experience now if I went tomorrow. Learning about history changes us and architecture has changed me for the better. I am now an interior design major!

I know this ancient building impacts all people in different ways and will continue to do so for years to come.

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