The Roman Baths of Britain

The town of Bath got its name from the structure you see above. These are Roman baths originally constructed in 60 AD. The Romans believed in the healing properties of the waters and used them for luxurious heated and chilled spas. As you walk through the structure you notice a hodgepodge of architecture. The overwhelming theme is classically roman. There are Columns, bocks, marble, and symmetry. However, the baths have been modified several times. In the 12th century a bath was added in the King’s Spring reservoir. In the 16th century the Queen’s Bath was added to the south of the spring. Ultimately, the Bath is now housed in an 18th century building made by John Wood. The structure surrounding the building is quintessentially Georgian.

While I was disappointed I could not swim in the murky green waters I was astonished by the structure. It was excavated in the 18th century to reveal the true expanse of the Bath houses. today we can walk right along and up to the same pools Roman’s did over 2,000 years ago. I was amazed by how similar and clean the entire system was to our modern world. I found it interesting that they used lead pipes to channel warm water into the bath.

As I finished my stroll along the baths I noticed a large line accumulating to “take the waters” from the natural spring which the romans used for centuries. I was so excited to try this mythical water of Bath. After 5 minutes of waiting I took a cup, and I could not have been more disappointed. I drank a warm sulfur smelling liquid, and immediately regretted it. At that moment I decided it was for the best I didn’t swim in that water.

As I toured the museum and the ruins of the Bath house I was truly amazed by the elegance of such an ancient structure. You could still see tools, and detailing of all the architecture. My conclusion was this. No matter how far we travel in history we are still connected in our humanity. The romans just like us today enjoyed rest and relaxation.

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