The Royal Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace
Changing the Guard at Buckingham Palace - Special Event -

I have been to London multiple times and each time I am driven to walk by or drive by Buckingham Palace. The tradition, royalty, dedication and celebration this building stands for is amazing to me. Although we live in such a different political world in the United States I admire parts of their governmental system of having royals.

This is the home to the British Royal family. The detail, size and security of this palace is truly inspirational in person. Many renovations and changes have been made throughout history but the architects to list a few are John Nash, Ashton Webb, William Winde and Edward Blore. he interior of the building I have only seen from pictures but has stayed true to the regency style.

The royal place is powerful and a statement in England. The structure is as influential as the family. This structure is about tradition and the United Kingdoms history. It is the events that are traditional and continue to occur that make this building to interesting to me. The changing of the guards and the infamous garden parties are just two events that are held traditionally at the palace that I admire.

After seeing this architecture and building at a young age it still stands as one of my favorite to this day!

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