Time To Work

During the summer after my sophomore year I got the opportunity to intern with 3M in Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN. Thankfully it was before COVID happened and I got to go experience my first internship in person. While I was there I got to see what a companies headquarters can look like. Every morning I would go here and wait for a shuttle that would bring me to my work building but this was where we had most of our intern events. This was one of my first experiences with a job that pertained to my Computer Science degree and felt like I was truly becoming an adult. I was in awe by everything and felt out of place but knew that if I worked hard, I can have the opportunity to work somewhere similar to 3M.

The building has an open design to make it more inviting and not look like a traditional office building. It felt nice initially going in there and having a modernized design that tells you that 3M is looking towards keeping their employees happy there.

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