United States Supreme Court building

The United States Supreme Court building was absolutely my favorite building in Washington D.C. The plaza out in front of it looks tremendous and feels amazing to walk on. It feels almost like with every step you’re going to make the tile dirty or worse in some way. The building with its awe-inspiring neoclassical design looks straight out of Rome or Greece. The symmetry of the whole thing is the epitome of perfection. The steps at the front, which are flanked by two huge statues, make it look like you’re about to transcend into some aethereal place that’s more important than everywhere else. The Supreme Court building can communicate to the viewer that it is a hall where the fate of a nation is determined. Something that I really like is the relief at the top of the building, it reminds me of the Parthenon. The columns really tie the whole thing together for me. They give it an ancient feeling and put you into your place. I didn’t spend a whole lot of time observing the building when I was in D.C., but it certainly left a good impression on me. 

Photo from: https://www.thegreatcoursesdaily.com/what-happens-inside-the-u-s-supreme-court/

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