Vanke Pavilion

The Vanke Pavilion was a part of the Milan Expo 2015 that was located in Milano, Italy. The expo theme was “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life.” The Vanke Pavilion was a collaborative effort which consisted of the architect Daniel Libeskind, the interior exhibition design led by Ralph Appelbaum Associates, and graphic design by Han Jiaying.

Interior exhibition design led by Ralph Appelbaum Associates.

The concept of the Vanke Pavilion integrates three ideas drawn from Chinese culture related to food. The ideas included the shi-tang, a traditional Chinese dining hall; the landscape, the fundamental element to life; and the dragon, which is metaphorically related to farming and sustenance.

The architect on this building was Daniel Libeskind. Daniel Libeskind is a world-renowned architect from Poland. His international reputation solidified in 1989 when he won a competition to build an addition to the Berlin Museum. This later housed the city museum’s collection of related to the Jewish history. 

The building caught my eye due to its organic shape and interesting exterior material. The building itself looks like a piece of art on display and not a building that you could walk through. When I went through the images on ArchDaily, I was surprised to see the interior. I was not expecting an art exhibition type display. After reading more about the building and its concept, I could visually see the three ideas of the concept within the building.

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