verdens ende restaurant

verdens ende restaurant, translated to English: worlds end restaurant, is located on one of the outermost islands in the Oslo fjord where the string of islands come to an end and you can see directly out into the open ocean. The restaurant itself has a partially militaristic feel to its outside with the stone and concrete block look. This is partially broken up by the circular observation room on the second floor. For most buildings, I don’t appreciate the blocky militaristic look, but here I think it is appropriate and works for three reasons.

Firstly is the fact that the place has a military history as the nearby lighthouse was the first place the german invasion of Norway was noticed during the second world war. This gave the time needed for the royal family and the government to flee to the UK and to notify the military. after Norway was occupied by German forces they built an extensive series of bunkers along the Norwegian coastline.

secondly, the militaristic look signifies how rough the weather conditions can be when it is storming and the sea is dark. this reminds the visitors of how close they are to the elements.

lastly, because the nearby rock is all smooth and without edges as a result of the last ice age, the use of sharp corners makes the building stand out from the rest of the environment.

I have been to this place many times, but this summer was the first time that I had dinner at the restaurant in windy conditions, and it was amazing. as you sit inside this nice and warm atmosphere you see the raging elements outside through the windows. It was a beautiful experience that I would recommend to anyone.

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