White House

I had the opportunity of visiting the White House when I was 10 years old. My family and I took a trip to Washington D.C. and this was by far one of my favorite stops. My experience was definitely positive.

For me the experience has changed in meaning over time. When I went to the White House as a 10 year old the meaning to me was very significant (at least in my head). I thought the White House was the coolest place ever and the president was the biggest celebrity in the world. I thought it was the most amazing thing that I was walking on the same floors that the president does everyday. Although I did not run into the president while I was there (like I thought I might) I still was fascinated by the beautiful design of the structure. I vividly remember the three rooms in the White House that were all one color. There was a red room, a green room, and a blue room. Each of these rooms has such ornate and historic décor. I believe seeing the history and beautiful design of the White House will be stuck with me forever. I even believe my fascination with the interior design of the White House has influenced me to become an interior designer. I do not think I fully understood the significance of being in the White House at the time, but know I do.

Reflecting back on my experiences now I still feel so lucky to have been able to experience such a unique opportunity. I now have a far better understanding of the history behind the White House and why it is such a symbolic piece of architecture to our country. I do not know if I will have get to experience getting a tour of the White House again and so I am very thankful that I got to go once!

Overall I had a very positive experience at the White House. I feel very fortunate I got to tour such a significant (if not the most significant) piece of architecture in US history.

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